Peer-Reviewed Publications
Orr, W and Kang EB (2024). AI as a Sport: On the Competitive Epistemologies of Benchmarking. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT '24).
Kang EB (2023). On the Praxes and Politics of AI Speech Emotion Recognition. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT '23).
Kang EB (2023) Ground-Truth Tracings (GTT): On the Epistemic Limits of Machine Learning. Big Data & Society 10(1).
Kang EB and Hudson S (2022) Audible Crime Scenes: ShotSpotter as a Diagnostic, Policing, and Space-Making Infrastructure. Science Technology & Human Values. Online first.
Kang EB (2022) Biometric Imaginaries: Formatting Voice, Body, Identity to Data. Social Studies of Science 54(2), 581-602.
Kang EB (2021) On Streaming-Dating Convergence: Music-Mediated Self Presentations on Tinder. New Media & Society 25(8).
Book Reviews
Kang EB (2021) Joseph Turow, The Voice Catchers: How Marketers Listen in to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your Wallet. International Journal of Communication 15.
Kang EB (2020) Lee Humphreys, The Qualified Self: Social Media and the Accounting of Everyday Life. International Journal of Communication 14.
Kang EB (2019) Mercedes Bunz and Graham Meikle, The Internet of Things. International Journal of Communication 13(3).
Kang EB (2020, 11. 13) Thinking Through Voice: Sound, Identity, and Race. Pop Junctions.
Kang EB (2020, 06. 09) Thematic, a Music-Marketplace for Influencers and Producers: Digital Labor and the Creative Class (Parts 1-3). Pop Junctions.
Becerra Sandoval JC, and Kang EB (2024). Machine Listening: Dissonance and Transformation [Panel Organizers]. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology & Society for Social Studies of Science (EASSt-4S 2024 quadrennial joint conference), July 16-19, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Orr W, and Kang EB (2024). AI as a Sport: On the Competitive Epistemologies of Benchmarking. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT '24), June 3-6, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Orr W, and Kang EB (2023). AI as a Sport: On the Competitive Epistemologies of Benchmarking. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference, November 8-11, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Kang EB (2023). On the Praxes and Politics of AI Speech Emotion Recognition. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT '23), June 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.
Kang EB (2023) Machine Audibility: On Vocal Ontology and Machine Learning Epistemologies. Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. April 12-15, Denver, CO, USA.
Ananny M, Sridharan H, and Kang EB (2022) Tracing Training: Understanding Media Industries' Machine Learning Datasets. Annual International Communication Association Conference, May 26-30, Paris, France.
Kang EB (2021) “Who Is It?”: Complicating the Cultural Logics of the Voiceprint. Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, March 17-21, Virtual (due to COVID-19).
Zhang S, Jeong D, Kang EB, Choi S, Xu J, and Lee J. (2020) Using Data Visualization and Musification to Foster Public Accessibility of LGBTQ Research. Annual National Communication Association Conference, November 19-22, Indianapolis, IN, USA. (changed to Virtual due to COVID-19).
Kang EB (2020) Sensory Appropriation in Music-Mediated Dating: Between Obfuscation and Dataveillance. Centre for Sensory Studies Conference, May 1-3, Montreal, QC (accepted but conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
Kang EB (2020) The Politics of Streaming-Dating Convergence: Spotify & Tinder. Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, April 1-5, Denver, CO, USA. (accepted but conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
Kang EB (2019) The Resume of Flesh: Performances of Excess and Subtlety in South Korea’s Hyper-Lookist Society. Annual Cultural Studies Association Conference, May 30- June 1, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Curriculum Vitae
Please see academic CV for a full list of my publications, conference presentations, essays, and invited talks.